Episode 17

Published on:

23rd Mar 2022

There is No Such Thing As Ready

"It's a terrible thing in life to wait until you are ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.” ~ Hugh Laurie. In this episode, I share some thoughts and a few personal stories on how to move past this dream-killing idea that you have to be ready and have all the answers before you can move forward with your dream.


Highlight’s from this episode:

Ancient Chinese Proverb: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Listen to your inner wisdom for guidance on the steps to take

When you commit to your dreams, the universe will conspire to show you the way

Reference: The 5 Second Rule, by Mel Robbins 

Thanks for listening!

If you want to learn more about what I teach around finding clarity and creating a life you love full of purpose, passion, and joy, I encourage you to join our community at Joyful Inspired Living. Here’s the link: http://www.joyfuljourney.ca/

About your host:

I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic selves so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion, and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest selves.

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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If

Anita Adams:

you're uncertain about what you really want or unsure how to be

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a force or good, you know this world craves, then this is the

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show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding

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clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner

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wisdom, access our highest self and unleash joy. As we raise our

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vibration, we heighten the collective consciousness and

Anita Adams:

that, my friends, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. Hey,

Anita Adams:

joyful journey years, Anita Adams here your host of the

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joyful journey podcast. Before we get into today's show, I'd

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like to thank you for tuning in. And to give an extra big thanks

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to those who have taken the time to leave a review. Those reviews

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help the show become more discoverable. And as our mission

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is to raise the vibration and heighten the collective

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consciousness. You are helping us do that by bringing this show

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and our message to the attention of more people. I'm going to

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start sharing reviews on my solo episodes. And today I'd like to

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thank jumble bug who wrote love this podcast, and Anita is very

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easy to listen to, as well as being a great interviewer honing

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in on what the audience wants to hear. I particularly enjoyed the

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episode The inner healer, with Anne crook, and all that was

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shared in this conversation about not living in fear, using

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your breath and tapping into your inner wisdom. Thank you

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jumble bug for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode

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with an Kruk. I did too. She was such a wonderful guest who has

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become a lovely friend. Alright, let's move into today's topic,

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which is about being ready, and that there is no such thing. Are

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you familiar with the famous actor Hugh Laurie, he once said,

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it's a terrible thing in life to wait until you are ready. I have

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this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do

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anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is

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only now what deep truth there is in these words, waiting to be

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ready is equivalent to a death sentence for your dreams as the

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waiting only gives more time to the inner critic to convince you

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that you are not smart enough, capable enough, talented enough,

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whatever enough. And soon, those dreams that could lead you to

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your life's true purpose begin to fade. So instead of waiting

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to be ready, where everything is perfectly aligned, and you have

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all the answers to every question imaginable. Here's

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another option. Don't overthink it, lean in and just take that

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first step. Like the well known Chinese proverb instructs a

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journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. You don't

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need to have all the answers to move forward. You don't need to

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have everything figured out. You just need to have a vision of

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the future you want to create, and an understanding of the

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first step to take. I get how uncomfortable that is not

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knowing all the answers. As a self professed a type control

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freak. This is something I struggle with. And I have to

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constantly remind myself that I don't need all the answers. I

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just need to understand that one single step. That's it. Once you

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take the first step, then the next step will be revealed. Do

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you know what makes it easier to take that first step or even

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those first few steps? You guessed it, learning to listen

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to and trust your inner voice of wisdom, that sole voice that is

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trying to guide you to your highest self and the grandest

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version of your life. The times in my life when I have listened

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to that voice and took action even before feeling ready, and

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having all the answers worked out. I've never been

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disappointed. When I started my film business 23 years ago, for

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instance, was acting on an impulse or call it intuition.

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I'd like to share that story with you now. And how taking

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that first step 23 years ago, got me on to an unexpected and

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most delightful path.

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The year is 1999 It's a cold winter morning and I'm attending

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a We can workshop hosted by women in film and television

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designed to kickstart or reboot your film career. I'm a new

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mother with a three month old baby who my husband generously

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brings to the workshop every few hours so I can nurse her. I'm

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also a woman with a dream to relaunch and build her acting

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career. On day two of this workshop, the facilitator a

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tall, beautiful and immaculately dressed woman takes center stage

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and asks, Does anyone have anything to share that has

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bubbled up from our first day together? I look around and see

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a room full of creative people, writers, directors, producers,

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actors, and suddenly I feel inspired to share an idea that

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has just popped into my head seemingly out of nowhere. My

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hand shoots into the air. Yes, we have our first enthusiastic

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speaker. What would you like to share? Anita? Well, I

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tentatively begin. We have so many people right here in this

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room. Why don't we? Why don't we put together a script reading

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event where the writers can have their project showcased by some

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of the actors and the directors and producers can discover new

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projects and talent to work with what a brilliant idea explains

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the facilitator boosting me up, she then calls to a volunteer at

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the back of the room to circulate a sheet of paper.

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Here's what we're going to do, she announces. If you are

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interested in participating in this reading initiative, write

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down your name and email address on the sheet of paper that's

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coming around, and Anita will follow up with you. Oh, wow. Now

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I've done it. This workshop is all about making commitments and

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following through. So I have to do as she instructs, I have to

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follow through on this idea that came tumbling out of my mouth

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before I had a chance to self check before my brain had a

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chance to jam on the brakes. Many years later, I read a

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brilliant book by Mel Robbins, the five second rule that talks

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about this very phenomenon. She says we have precisely five

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seconds to take action before our brain gets in the way and

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convinces us otherwise. I can tell you she's absolutely right.

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If I had stopped to think about everything that would be

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involved in this plan, there is an extremely high chance I would

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have talked myself out of it. And my life would be very

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different today. Regardless of whether this idea was thought

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through or not, though, the focus here is about taking that

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first step. And in this case, that first step was simply

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sharing an idea. That action then made clear the next step,

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email the 120 people that said they were interested in this

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idea what happened next was pretty remarkable. Not only did

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those on that list, respond with enthusiasm, word spread, and

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many more came forward and wanted to get involved offering

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to volunteer their services to move this vision forward. With

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each step taken, a new step was revealed. Eventually, I learned

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enough and built my confidence enough to map out a bigger plan.

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To be clear, I do believe in the value of creating a roadmap to

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your success. I just don't believe you need to have it all

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figured out before you take that first step. Answers will come as

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you move forward with your vision, and the universe will

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conspire to guide you along the way.

Anita Adams:

There's more to the story. I ran my script reading event for

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seven years. And during that time, I got to know a lot of

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filmmakers. Around year five, a new idea emerged. What I

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discovered in my work with writers and directors is that

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Canadian films have a hard time finding their audience simply

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because they don't have the same marketing dollars behind them,

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as do our American counterparts that dominate the screens.

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Consequently, few people hear about Canadian films and those

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films then quickly disappear. The idea I had that came from

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this awareness was to help spread the word about new

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Canadian films through my growing mailing list. I call

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this new initiative the first weekend club. The first step of

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moving forward with this vision to help Canadian films was to

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email everyone on my script reading list to let them know of

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my plan and why it was important to support a film on its opening

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weekend. I told my audience, I would be creating a separate

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email list specifically for that purpose. And if they wanted to

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be on that list to let me know, my inbox exploded. Not only that

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the media got wind of what I was up to and wanted to interview

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me. And a federal funding agency suggested I apply for funding to

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support this initiative. I seem to be on to something here. What

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started as a little nugget of an idea grew into a national highly

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respected film promotional agency. And we promoted over 700

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feature films and countless talent. I ran that business for

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18 years, and in 2018, earned the Woman of the Year Award

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through Women in Film and Television. I had no previous

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business experience when I started down this path, and I

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certainly didn't feel ready to embark on launching a film

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promotional agency. I felt confident I could figure it out,

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though with the right people in my court. And that was the next

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step that became obvious, secure a kick ass board of directors

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who did know what they were doing. I ended up with some of

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the most powerful film industry professionals from across the

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country, sitting on my board of directors. Sometimes I would

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feel like a complete fraud walking into our board meetings.

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But that's a different story altogether. Imposter syndrome is

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huge, though. So if you ever feel that way, understand you

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are not alone. And don't let it stop you. I want to share

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another short story to illustrate how taking action

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before being ready can lead to amazing life giving experiences.

Anita Adams:

This story is about the time when my husband and I decided to

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move the family to France for a year, we didn't have a clue what

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would be involved making that kind of transition with two

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teens in tow. There was so much to think about that if I allowed

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myself to try to figure it all out before taking action, it

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would have paralyzed me. Instead, we made the declaration

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we are moving to France, and then set out to figure out what

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the first thing was for us to do to make that team dream a

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reality. The first step we decided would be simply to

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research France and where we want to live. Sounds like fun

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right reading about a country and looking at places to move.

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It was indeed very fun. And that research led me to discover a

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blog written by a Canadian woman living in Montpellier a the town

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we decided to make home. And that woman ended up becoming

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instrumental in helping us with the transition. She fed me the

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next step, and then the next. And before we knew it, we had

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secured a lease on a home in our city of choice got our kids

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registered in a French school and sorted out our international

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banking needs. Everything else from there felt easily into

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place one step at a time.

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A final example of moving forward before feeling 100%

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Ready, is when I decided to launch this podcast and offer

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retreats and build a coaching program. Even though I didn't

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have all the answers about the how and certainly didn't feel

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ready. Once I did make the decision to go for it, I was

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able to move confidently into these roles because I understood

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one really important thing. There is no such thing as being

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ready. There is only now and now is a brilliant time to take

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action. You can bet that most successful people in life didn't

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always feel ready when they started down their path. They

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just took action. They took that first step. There is one more

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thing I want to share before wrapping this up. Around the

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same time I participated in that women in film workshop. I also

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took an acting workshop with this la guru who was brought

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into Vancouver for the weekend. This coach shared something that

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I still like sharing with my clients. You have to pursue your

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dreams with full abandon. He said oh In this way, will you

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find the path you were truly meant to be on. At the time, I

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was following my dream to be an actor, and I was giving it my

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all. This path led me to launch my own business, which became my

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new dream. I distinctly remember sitting on a movie set one day

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waiting for my scene, I had a small recurring role on the

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deadzone and wishing I could be working on my business. Instead,

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you could say there was a tug of my heart. A few months later, I

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called my agent and told her I was hanging up my hat. The

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backup, that was an aha moment. A few months later, I called my

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agent and told her I was hanging up my acting hat, my dreams had

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shifted. I found the path I was meant to be on, or at least for

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the time, a number of years later, my dreams and desires

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shifted again, which led me to start up another business, which

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then pointed me down yet another path. I look at where I am

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today, loving this life I have created and I can clearly see

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how all the dots connected to get me here, and how all the

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experiences have taught me the things I need to know to be a

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better teacher and coach and businesswoman so I can better

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serve the people I am here to serve. Even some of the stories

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I share in other episodes, such as the hard times in married

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life, have served to guide me to where I am today. I'm grateful

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for the lessons learned, despite the pain. Two decades ago, when

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I raised my hand to share an idea I didn't have the vision

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I'm living into today with running retreats and coaching

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people how to listen to their inner wisdom. And yet I followed

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the breadcrumbs and took action before ever feeling ready. And

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those steps have led me here. Am I at my final destination?

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Probably not. And who's to say all you and I need to do is

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listen to the calling of our hearts, and then take the first

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step. Maybe that first step is simply declaring your intention.

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It doesn't have to be to a roomful of strangers either. You

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could just declare your intention to one person. Soon

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the next step will be revealed. And the next as the universe

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will conspire to support those who commit to their dreams. If

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your dreams change along the way as mine have, that's all right,

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your heart and soul will never misguide you. So don't doubt

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yourself just because your dreams have changed. You may not

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see the bigger picture of where your heart and soul is guiding

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you to. So lean in to the whispers of your heart, and then

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take action one step at a time. And then one day, you'll look

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back and go wow, look how far I've come look at all the cool

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things I've done.

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keep tuning in to your inner voice of wisdom as it's always

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there ready to guide you. When you let go and trust that

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guidance, you'll also be able to let go of this dream killing

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idea that you have to wait until you are ready. You are as ready

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as you need to be right now. So what are you waiting for? Do

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what your heart soul spirit is calling you to do. Just take

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that first step. Thanks for being on this journey with me

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joyful journeyers we'll catch you next time. Thank you for

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joining us today on the joyful journey podcast. If anything

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resonated with you, please visit our website at joyful inspired

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living.com Sign up to receive a free download of our three

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guiding principles to inner wisdom and become a member of

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the joyful inspired living community. For a deeper

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spiritual dive. Check out our retreats we offer both in person

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retreats on beautiful Bowen Island in British Columbia, as

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well as online retreats that you can do from the comfort of your

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own home. And finally, if you liked our show, please leave a

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review so more people can find it and learn how to access their

Anita Adams:

highest self and together will raise the collective

Show artwork for Joyful Journey

About the Podcast

Joyful Journey
If you are a leader, be it a leader of self or a leader of many, who strives to be a force for good in the world, or if you are someone who is simply uncertain about what you really want and why it matters, then this podcast is for you!
The Joyful Journey Podcast is about finding clarity about who we choose to be and the life we want to live. It’s about tapping into our inner wisdom and accessing our highest selves so we make choices that are aligned with who we are and what matters most to us. By accessing our highest selves we also make choices that are best for our families, our communities and the organizations we represent.
Perhaps most important of all, by learning to tap into inner wisdom and access our highest self, we raise our vibration, unleash a great joy and heighten the collective consciousness.
That, my friends, is world changing and it all starts with you and me!
Welcome to the Joyful Journey Podcast.

About your host

Profile picture for Anita Adams

Anita Adams