Episode 78

Published on:

24th May 2023

Create Abundance Through Love - A Conversation with Danielle Rama Hoffman

In today’s show, we meet Danielle Rama Hoffman, a spiritual coach, and mentor, to talk about connecting with Spirit and how her new card deck, “Magdalene Manifestation Cards - Create Abundance Through Love,” can help you deepen that connection and manifest the life you most desire.


Show Highlights:

•   Deciphering between inner wisdom & wisdom of a higher consciousness

•   Exploring a few myths around channeling

•   Introduction to the Magdalenes

•   Understanding why love is an important ingredient for manifesting abundance

•   Love and Divine love as an untapped resource

•   Understanding the difference between masculine & feminine manifestation

•   What does it mean to be in partnership with Spirit

About our guest Danielle Rama Hoffman

Danielle Roma Hoffman, is a spiritual mentor and coach who guides other light works who are ready to fully realize their Divine mission. For over 25 years through her advanced spiritual work with the Ascended Masters, Danielle has been raising consciousness on the planet and assisting thousands of coaches, healers, and experts around the globe - from emerging practitioners to well-known 7 figure spiritual leaders - to do the same - raise the collective consciousness. Danielle is also the creator of the Magdalene Manifestation Cards - a beautiful 44 card deck that is now available on Amazon.

Connect with Danielle Rama Hoffman

Website: https://danielleramahoffman.com/

Magdalene Manifestation Cards: https://danielleramahoffman.com/cards/ 


About your host:


I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic self so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest self.


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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If you're looking for more clarity in your life, clarity of purpose or how to activate that purpose, and you are someone who wants to operate from your highest self to be a force for good, you know this world craves, then this is the show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner wisdom, access our highest self and unleash joy. As we do this, we raise our vibration and heightened the collective consciousness. And that my friend, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. All right, hey joyful journey are Anita Adams. Here, your host and today I'm pleased to introduce you to Danielle Rama Hoffman, a spiritual mentor and coach who guides other lightworkers who are ready to fully realize their divine mission for over 25 years through her advanced spiritual work with the Ascended Masters. Danielle has been raising consciousness on the planet and assisting 1000s of coaches healers and experts around the globe from emerging practitioners to well known seven figure spiritual leaders to do the same raise the collective consciousness as we share a similar mission. I'm particularly excited to have Danielle on the show to share with you her wisdom. Welcome, Danielle.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Thank you. Hello, everyone.

Anita Adams:

I truly do love the work you've been doing. And I've been a follow of your follower of your work for at least a year I took one of your was a forum I believe that you did probably seven or eight months ago and you had so many amazing speakers on this forum sharing their wisdom and their insights and their their gifts to the world. And I walked away from that forum incredibly inspired, lit up feeling like yes, you know, there's more I feel like there's more and more people coming together on this soul mission to raise the collective consciousness and it's just it's wonderful. And you Danielle you walk the talk, everything you do is about bringing greater awareness to that that Divine within an empowering people to tap into wisdom, that wisdom. So can you tell me a little bit about your process for accessing that divine energy and and connecting with your spirit guides?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yes, absolutely. Oh, fun that you join one of the forums and I love bringing together community and experts you know, especially as solopreneurs sometimes we're just like in our own bubble. And it's, it's just super fun to cross pollinate, and to have that new paradigm of relationships of where we're really cheering one another on and CO creating together from that space of, of collaboration and more abundance for all and yeah, so I love hosting those as well. Yeah, in terms of my process, you know, since I feel like I've been at it for a while, and I know everyone's journey is different. Yeah, and I definitely remember even as a child being highly sensitive and noticing kind of the mismatch between what folks were saying and then the energy that I really could feel and the emotions that I could feel. And, you know, so in the beginning and my earlier years, being highly sensitive, it was challenging and confusing, and, and then I think that kind of brought me into counseling and massage and energy healing. And then it developed to also really be able to be more let's say proactive in terms of when I was tuning into what was around me and when I wasn't and not overwhelmed. So the journey began very kinesthetically, where I would feel things there were periods where I would see things. And you know, fast forward 25 years later for me as a as an embodied conscious channel, it's very clear audience and also like knowing where the guides, I have that direct connection. So it's a little bit different way I'm connecting to my inner wisdom, then when connecting to a bandwidth of wisdom like Ascended Masters or guides, same principles, but different lens.

Anita Adams:

I'm really curious about that and how how you decipher or how you can tell the difference between what is yours your own divine inner wisdom, and and when you're accessing or tapping in to the wisdom from from that greater bandwidth as you say, how do you decipher what's yours? And what's what's not?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Hmm, yeah, the probably the simplest way is to talk about signature energy and how we all have a signature energy. That really is our uniqueness like how we might recognize someone that we know and love, before they even walk into a room, there's just some divine qualities about them, or like this signature that that we all carry energetically. And so I can sense my signature energy as well as recognize different beings of light and love that I work with based on signature energy. And then also kind of, maybe one way to talk about it is divine quality. So there may be the divine qualities of like the Magdalene love beings or ISIS that have a lot of love energy, or I also work with those the tough the God of infinite knowledge, and the Akashic records and scribing. And that has more like a wisdom bandwidth, or a Galactic Council just feels more galactic. You know, the interesting thing too, about that is, is sometimes it kind of depends, we have different levels of Divine Wisdom or our own inner wisdom. So if you were to ask me, you know, maybe 10 years ago, I would have said, Oh, I could tell because sometimes the guides will come in and say things that I don't know, in my consciousness, or it's like, beyond the level of my waking consciousness. And yet, I also experienced that, and I'm sure you do, and your your listeners here do as well, where we do tap into our own inner guidance of our higher self that's beyond our current waking state or knowing. So that wouldn't really be a differentiator anymore. Yeah, it does feel a little bit different. Like if I'm tapping my wisdom, it doesn't feel too, like, Oh, I didn't know that already. You know.

Anita Adams:

That's interesting. I've had I've had a number of experiences started. What do you call it? Spiritual writing? I'm aware I've been I don't know if I want to use the word channelings. I don't feel I'm not sure if that's it, you know, but I feel something is coming down through me. And I don't I have not been able to really figure out if that is something, if that's my own inner wisdom, or is, am I tapping into that divine bandwidth higher, what it does feel like it's a higher power. And I guess I'm such a newbie at all of this, that it's, um, I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. But it feels much bigger than just me. And I love that and I've had, but I've, there's been a number of times where I'm like, this is just me, you know, I'm tapping into just me. And then there's been a number of times where it's just like, wow, there feels like, it feels like something much more substantial. And I'd like to, I'd like to find ways to access that more frequently. And I don't know how to do that yet. Other than just practicing just continuing to reach out and communicate with my spirit guides. I don't know if you have any thoughts on on that and or if that is too big of a conversation to have on, you know, a short podcast, maybe it's much more involved?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Well, I feel like it brings up one of the myths or kind of what the guides say, illusion lies around. You know, what we can call it channeling or scribing or I call it divine transmitting for a long time, where we're tapping into a band of consciousness and that that is coming in, in a way that it's not only words, but there's also an energy behind it. No one a lot of folks say that read my books or have the card deck or whatever, but they have this sense of it's almost like a session because there's there's energy when they read it. And I feel like when it's coming through us we also have that sense like we're maybe truth tears come or our hands may get hot or you know those things but back to the myth. I feel like one of the you know, we have these beautiful minds and they they have a role in our inner wisdom panel. They have a role in our in our translating higher consciousness and transmitting in our own ways. However, that looks like for us, and yet also, the protective aspect of the mind will go I'm am I making this up? Like I've heard that so many times. So it's like out of the billions of things you could make up like why are you making that up? So I often will disable thank you for sharing and let's just keep going and you know, another myth is that like Burning Bush just comes down and and we have this, you know, aha. I'm like very proactive I show up. And that's what you're talking about. You have a practice. I'm curious, I ask questions. I show up. I have regular meetings with my non physical friends and guidance panels. And, you know, it's it's very proactive. It's Yes, it's receptive and receiving yet it's also like, okay, let's, let's talk about this. You know, let's explore this.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, I think that's key, that proactive and that willingness to keep at it, keep reaching out to your guides and having the conversations. Okay, so you recently created and released a beautiful 44 card deck. It's called Magdalene Manifestation Cards, create abundance through love. So first, congratulations on this very successful launch. I understand that it's one of Amazon's top sellers in a very short period of time. So well done you congratulations. Um, can you tell us who is Magdalene and what is her significance?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah, yeah, thank you. I received that. Congratulation celebration. It's always so just exquisite to see something that's been happening in the works behind the scenes reached the heart and and lives of those that it's in response to their asking, they're calling some just really tickled pink, to have it out in the world in a bigger way. So the Madeline's are, you know, a lot of folks may have heard of Mary Magdalene, or ISIS, or when they first started coming in as light love beings, they really talked about Magdalene, midwives, past, present and future, and that they came in and also not only as the feminine love beings that we may be used to thinking of, as Magdalene, mother, Mary, Mary Magdalene, even Yeshua, get like, or Anna, the grandmother of Yeshua, yeah, they came in, in the sacred union of like Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua, Isis and Osiris. And that's one of the things that I find is really unique about this manifestation card is that they're each codes of love, like there's 20 codes of love, that have both a a being state or a feminine image, and then also a more active or a key or a masculine energy. So their, their message or significance kind of why they've come in is really to help us integrate that, well, it's already in wholeness, yet to bring it into more wholeness, the aspects of manifestation that are being being receptive, and a state of grace and a state of love. And then also the active part of taking inspired action and really holding a line of sight. So it kind of goes back to our conversation about how do we access our inner wisdom, there is a sacred union of the two. And you know, in terms of who the Magdalene 's are, that have been the source of this body of work, it's also a very cosmic or intergalactic kind of new energy. So not only what we think of 2000 years ago of Mary Magdalene, yet also kind of where we're headed, and the frequencies and vibrations that we need in terms of the elevation and consciousness and where we are, where we're headed. And so they also talked about in the guidebook of how we're mandolins and that were mandolins and formed those of us that feel called to that and that Magdalene is also a title like how there can be so many Mary's as I live in Southern France right now and there's so many Mary's and to think of Mary or Magdalene, like a title like we would have teacher or mom or doctor in that title is really like being an Energy Master. So when we're mastering our energy from that place of love, that's a way that we can access our inner Magdalene self and you know, as we're talking about this, like Is this me is that the guides like as I've been at this for a while, I remember especially when I was really deep in my partnership with with both or Toth or thought that I would go like well is that my inner though or like, is it really the guide and you know, so we can get tripped up in those things get the aspect of that is that I do feel like it is an as above so below as within so without, so we have aspects have wisdom within us which is represented by the archetype or the light being of Thoth. And then the same with the Magdalene, we have love within us. It's represented in in the Magdalene love being so that's a little bit about the Magdalene. non physical, physical.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, that's really great. And I had no knowledge of of that of the magazine's, I didn't realize that was a plural either. And the whole love aspect, I want to talk more about that I'm love. Part of my mission is to help create and help people find more love in the world. And if so we can operate from that place of love. And it seems to be a very big part of your mission and to create abundance through love. Why is love an important ingredient for creating abundance?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Hmm, yeah, I remember like, way back in the day when I first had my first business coach, and you know, like, what's your 25 year plan? Like, oh, okay, we're not doing that anymore, really. But I got really clear of part of my mission being like raising the vibration of the planet to the heart center to love. So if we look at the larger context of that, whether folks talk about it in terms of awakening, or moving from the Piscean age and the solar plexus Energy Center, to the Aquarian Age and the heart center, or even vibrationally, just, there's this acceleration happening, the planet is moving at a higher speed, or frequency or Hertz. My beloved husband is a cardiologist and molecular biologist and does hypnotherapy and timeline therapy and NLP and all that stuff. So it's always cool for me from the energy side to also kind of ask him, you know, those sciency things and, and he shared with me how, like when we have a heart cell that's moving at a faster frequency, it naturally in trains, the slower vibrationally moving Hartselle. So I feel like love is such a key ingredient, because it's, it's where we came from, and unity, it's where we're going. And also in terms of speed and frequency, that as the Earth star, even though it seems like there's more duality than ever comes into greater unity. Love is inclusive love is one of the most receptive energies of our heart center in terms of receiving. And when we're in a state of love there is that that openness, so the mandolins talk a lot about also our heart field, our horizontal plane, where it's also our like being that heart resonance, where we're in a state of coherence, and then like our wider bandwidth, we're able to receive more. So I feel like love and divine love is one of the untapped resources that we have access to us. It just feels good. So not only the emote, yeah, which feels dead, but really the frequency of love.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, absolutely. One of the well, it was actually the first time that I felt beyond any doubt that I was receiving a divine download was a message about being being the love to be the love and all that I do to step in and be the love. And it was a very powerful experience and to constantly come back to thinking about how can I choose to be the love what would love to lose in this situation? And I always ask myself that now when I coach my clients to ask themselves that question, what would love choose in this situation? And it often often, when I listen and follow that advice, it makes a huge difference, which is beautiful. What are some steps that you think we can take to deepen that love for self?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah, well as the Magdalene especially have brought forth these 24 codes of love and the 44 cards, they're there and really, that they are to use for manifesting that creating abundance through love, I feel like can be one of the most loving things that we do. And that we be and then we have, you know, I know in your work as well, the the harmony of what the guides called multi abundance or multi dimensional abundance, where we're growing abundance in simultaneity, where our joy is growing and our health is growing and our relationships are growing and our finances are growing and our money's growing finances and money in our in our work is growing all all together and that I feel like is one of the biggest acts of love and courage that we can have to also resource our mission. And I'm so passionate about that as well, especially for healers and coaches and practitioners who are here to make a difference on the planet. It also does require us to be resourced. So when you're saying like, what would love do what would love be? Then, as we're leading and partnering with others, we're coming from that higher frequency, we're coming from abundance, we're coming from love rather than the lack and survival consciousness and all of those things. So, you know, when you say what can we do to, to have more love, I feel like it at some point, it's also a decision or a choice to bring art, with and into and an act of courage and act of self love to love ourselves, or to be willing to also, again, be really well nourished and overflowing from source. It's got

Anita Adams:

to start there doesn't it with that, that sense of love for self. And when you have that powerful sense of love for self, I think it's easier to one give more love outward they and and to receive love, as well. So it's interesting. Yeah. And it's sounds like your cards are a great tool to help people develop that sense of love. It's a and do I have that correct? Is it a Will it help? Will? Can you use it as a tool to deepen your love for self? So I'll rephrase the, I'll ask that question again. And we'll just cut this part out a little bit. So my question is, are your cards? Are they can they be used as a tool to help us deepen our love for self?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yes, absolutely. And one of the things that's really different about this card deck and I and I didn't draw a card before for the podcast is to kind of see what card might step forward for the listeners here today is that they are really not only can be used for divination, or accessing our own inner wisdom, it also create these energy environments, or containers or holograms that that support us throughout the day. So usually, there's something that we'd all like to manifest more of whether that's calling in the one or the dream job or having greater health or more time with our kids or whatever it may be. And to have a different altars or cards that we can pull, and really be helpful in the process so that we're steeping in like an energy container or an energy vortex, in order for that to come into form. So for example, I pulled the Magdalene molecule, which is confident creator, your creations have a divine design hold the line of sight of positive expectations, to make them inevitable. And this is the the key card so the masculine card, and I just I thought that message was so beautiful, too, to go in a little bit more deeply around, like hold a line of positive a line of sight of positive expectations, to make your the divine design of your manifestations inevitable. And that's also another act of of self love and a love of others to not like carry over the file cabinet have the learned helplessness of like, oh, I wanted this to actualize before and it didn't happen or that last day didn't go well or ever I set aside time to spend with my kids and then they were on their phones or whatever the things can be. But to really also hold a line of sight of positive expectation and also feel like it's coaches and healers and practitioners that we're so blessed to be able to partner with others and to be entrusted to facilitate and walk with others in their evolution and transformation and, and so that we get to hold that line of sight of positive expectation rather than whatever limiting story they may be or in or we may be

Anita Adams:

right believing that the best is yet to come. This is going to unfold for you. Having that positive mindset.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah, yeah. And then taking inspired action, you know, and then taking Yeah, because I often draw on the clients we work with are like not died of taking action like very high performing high achieving, you know, and at the same time, we can also there can also be on the other side of things which you talked about earlier where someone may be doing all their affirmations or visualizations or meditation, calling in more money or calling in more clients or being of greater service, if there's no physical plane avenue for the clients to find you or for. Both gotta be there. And

Anita Adams:

yeah, 100% otherwise, it's just a wish. Yeah, I love that. I think that's an important part that a lot of people forget when they talk about manifesting, like, yeah, there's all these things you can do to put it out into the world that you what you want to manifest in your life, and then you gotta go after it. You can't just sit on the couch and and wait for things to happen. Right? So, so important. Awesome. I like something that you said on your website that it is time to cast aside lack based consciousness and the energy of overworking, overdoing and overthinking and embrace the art of feminine manifestation based on love, receptivity and grace. Can you elaborate on this a little bit? What is feminine manifestation? How is that different than masculine manifestation? And I feel like you touched on this a little bit already, but I really want to draw, draw attention to the difference.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah, wow. Well, it really, you know, again, like as the Magdalene coats have come in, in this sacred union between the feminine and the masculine, and coming together, like bring your being stayed in our doing stay together, the feminine Magdalene, the masculine Magdalene, really, as a wink of our divine wholeness that we are already divinely whole and in the sacred union. So in survival consciousness or lack basic base consciousness, where in the larger scheme of consciousness, like where we've been in that survival place, or lack base, a lot of manifestation is is based on that, like, I've got to create this in order to survive in order to pay bills, and we're to whatever, whatever the that kind of fear and doubt and those kinds of things create, and then when we're creating from lack and separation, then it's it's in, it's in the cookie dough like it's, then we're going to also be continuing that vibration of lack and separation. So one of the biggest kind of ninja Timeline Jumping x is the energy that we come from, that's what we've been talking about love and abundance and co creation and Win Win Win relationships. And so when the Magdalene is came in to my life, in particular, I develop so much light, so much wisdom, such a connection in the higher planes. And yet, it could only go so far, without me opening my heart and without our clients, opening our heart and Lightworkers needing more, more love so that all that wisdom can descend, we talk a lot about ascension, but the dissension process of of ascension, so that the wisdom of here isn't just spiritual concepts, or, like I've gotten this download, it's, it's the wisdom that's experienced in the heart that then also goes down further into physical matter. And that's where I get so excited about really tapping into the non physical guides and higher planes to create on the physical plane accessing our higher wisdom on the physical plane, so the Magdalene is our BA, the system is both masculine and feminine, yet it does harness a lot of the feminine principles. So they talk a lot about receiving more without doing more or creating a manifestation altar where you haven't an intention to create something in your multi abundance temple, your wealth template, maybe more than one thing. You do a card spread, have an out on your nightstand table while you're sleeping. And then you're in this energy environment. And you're you're already like, tapping into the time that you'd be sleeping to be continuing to to manifest like something like telepathic phone calls to those that you might have a divine appointment with. I'm sure that's how we connected even though on the physical plane, there were publishers that put us together or I don't know who brought us together, but you know, that kind of stuff. So when the guides talk about receiving more without doing more, there is this using our resting state, lying down, making sure We're we're in, in the horizontal position of our bodies, like animals, their spines go much more horizontal, they do, they do have the vertical of their legs, like, we have horses and cats, right. So their spine is much more like that. But our spine is straight up, and then we lay down to sleep. So it is, and I know this is like a giving a big download here and have kind of a larger context. Yet our light is that kind of vertical column, and then the love is the horizontal and coming together in that cross or that on that sacred union. So the higher wisdom is experienced, and then we're actualizing on the physical plane. So the the Magdalene is do talk a lot about Call upon your manifestation team leave while you sleep. And on the physical plane, it can be a good question like, Where can I and I invite you to tune in to this like, Where can I receive more without doing more like a bank accounts a good example, your bank account could receive more money in there without having to open a new bank account, depending on what kind of bank account it is. Or for coaches, if we have a group program, maybe you have a mastermind, and you could really facilitate incredible results for double the amount of clients you have in there. Now, without doing more work the same monthly group sessions however many you have. So to not really have it be a spiritual concept of receiving more without doing more or like hiring team where you multiply results because you have other individuals that are also doing your mission, but to think about what are examples where you have already received more without doing more, and then maybe do a spread for that. So it is really bringing together the non physical and the physical to work together. And I often see that, that folks tend to develop one really strongly or the other really strongly, or both, but haven't quite got them to line up. And that's what I noticed for myself and for our clients when they really like incredible magical, seemingly miraculous results happen. Yeah, it sounds

Anita Adams:

a little bit like a bit of a tight rope walk. And it probably isn't. But trying to find the balance between being that active player that we were previously talking about going after your your goals and your dreams, your mission. And at the same time, letting go of of the hustle, letting go of the push and relaxing into it. And I think it takes takes skill to figure out that that fine line so you can walk on it. And maybe it's you know, just being aware that it is it is a balancing act, it is a fine line a tightrope that you need to be mindful of. So you don't get into that push, maybe that's the is that the the masculine energy, the push, don't want to go too much that way, but you still have to have it. And at the same time you need to have that that rest I'm hearing I need to nap more as I get my my downtime where I feel much is manifesting or is actually percolating is when I go for walks in nature, that is where I'm able to let go. And it seems counterintuitive to take time away from my busy work life to go for a walk in nature, but I'm way more productive when I do that. And I think I feel like that's kind of what I'm hearing that you need to have that time whether it's a walk in nature or proper rest, to be able to access both the font, feminine, manifesting energy and and then still push pull. It's not the right word push is not the right word focused energy in the direction you want to go. Is perhaps that masculine side am I am I getting that right? Am I understanding what you're saying correctly?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yes, yes. And actually one of the Magdalene codes is Emerald above and emerald love is all about the nourishment that we require that's bespoke for us that may come from nature that may come from animals that may come from crystals or like we have the love that circulates in our relationships with other with the guides called bipedal is with other folks, beings people and yet also recognizing that one of the ways it really nourishes our systems may be this emerald above where it's animals, crystals, the elements, those kinds of things. And you know back to the overthinking over working over responsibility that that at its root usually is based in some separation or lack or what the guides called vme filters like slower vibrational body, mind, emotion, thoughts or feelings or emotions. of lack. So, I also feel like the codes really work to balance that. And when when the Magdalene codes first came in and I offered it and continue to in our in our Magdalene wealth codes program, now they're available in the deck we have for those that want to go deeper. You know, the first code that we activate and folks can activate it on their own is the birthright of love code. And that really makes such a difference because it's high achievers. Usually, they're unconsciously accidentally, like we're trying to prove that by manifesting XYZ thing that we're doing what we came here to do, or that we're lovable, or that we're safe, there's usually some deeper energy that when it can be transformed, things naturally come into balance. And I do also feel like constitutionally we tend to have our own unique combination is what I love about the Egyptian pantheon is they do this an anthropomorphic form, like both is the ibis and bird and then like a map masculine body, but then carries like a spiritual, the Caduceus are different staff. So we also have these, like an is very lunar masculine, where sack met, I guess I'm talking about Egypt for some reason, is as I'm going into going back to Egypt to bring in a group so and and just love Egypt, but I think the Egyptian pantheon is a good example of this, how we're all different. We're Sekhmet, who is the lioness Goddess is very like fire, soul or feminine. So even though yes, we're coming into an equilibrium between light and love and slow vibration, fast, vibration, masculine, feminine, constitutionally, we're all going to have our own unique blend of that. And also, depending on which, you know, what, what time in our life and what evolutionary cycle we're in, it may be more go time. And it may musing, ruminating download time.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, that's, that's really interesting. I know that I often get the download from my spirit guides that I need to just slow down and trust and allow things to happen. Just allow, stop trying to control so much. And that's mine still to learn. It's a it's an interesting journey. It's an interesting journey. You You mentioned something earlier, and I just It struck me and I just want to back up a little bit. You said you partnered with Toth? And I'm curious about that. Those choice of words partnering with partnering with the Spirit. Do you actually like do you enter into an agreement? I'm just really curious to understand what you mean by partnering with with Toth? And then I suspect you have partnered with other spirit guides and but can you just talk to me a little bit about that? And, and forgive me if that is such a? I don't know, basic question. But I'm really curious about this whole your your journey, your process?

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah, well, it's, it's, uh, I'm glad you bring it up. And it's actually a very in depth question and that you're following your inner wisdom to go hey, there's something there. Yeah.

Anita Adams:

Thank you. Thank you for that. Thank you for acknowledging that. Appreciate it.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Well, the partnering with for me again, when we talk about what are some myths about channeling or some illusion lies is the guides talk about is the partnering with is is that we're coming from this place of equality equanimity, one of the myths of channeling is like that the channel is taken over. And it's not like that at all. And the way that I work and also with the way that the guides, they just have such a respect of our freewill and our conscious choice. So that idea of partnering with is that I'm divine and so is the being of light, that we're coming together in that heart to heart, eye to eye peer to peer divine to divine co creation. And then it's really a partnership. Now the second thing I want to say about that and it goes back to Emerald love there's also another code of love that star love which talks about how we may be nourished from Ascended Masters or from galactic energies or energies that we may have experienced in other galaxies or solar systems. And so that that's another piece of it because I know it's unusual to say hey, my business partner is a non physical light being you know, Yeah, and like, that's a thing like I love my beloved husband and 22 years and yet he knows like, I've got some main very deep partnerships, not romantic partnerships, but but really deep partnerships with beings of light and ascended masters and that they're there to partner with us. So back to your question about agreements. You know, I feel like that's part of the heritage of some of the spirituals shackles that the guides help us to dismantle is that there have been like these past life vows or even in a collective consciousness, like the healers, that there can be this legacy carried over of like not earning money or not having personal gain from it, or those kinds of things. So I don't feel like it's a contract where I have to, or, you know, anything like that, it's more a very strong affinity. I personally feel like it's a lot of Lifetime's that I've had in developing that wisdom and already working together, Egypt really was my entry point into starting to work with light beings in this lifetime. And then moving to France, it see that's part of like my path, or what some of my call like is soul choice or contract. And then that opened up the whole connection to the love beings. So it's very, it's very conscious relationship that I put time into, again, I have board of directors meetings, we help our clients with this too. So we're not only running our businesses from our mind, but also having the our inner wisdom and the non physical supporting. And one of the difference frameworks of this besides that is not that God goddess, Great Spirit, the divine source is above us. And we need an intercessor but it's really where the divine and its quality, that's a big paradigm shift. Also that we can have vital alive partnerships with beings of light and the non physical and be very grounded. Like I'm very grounded, very successful, very, like here. So in that way, but then also that it does require time and and like you might have the with with a friend like I have regular meetings and of course, in the sessions and stuff there they come in and that's where the bodies of work come from. Yeah.

Anita Adams:

Yeah. And it sparked some more questions. And I want to ask a few more if that's okay. I feel like this is the direction and part of why I started up the joyful journey podcast was is a curiosity journey for my my education and for the people that I invite to come along with me on this this journey to discovery. So I'm super curious to understand how you came to choose did you choose TOF? Did you research the different spirit guides? Did he did toss just come into your awareness? And you're like, that's the one. Like, why why a partnership with toss? Mm hmm.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yeah. And that, to me, brings us to kind of what our divine lineage is where we're using our ancestral lineage where Mom Dad, grandmother, grandfather, you know, the whole genealogy, and yet as us being source and and an extension of source and then also these different again, like, you could say, past, present future alternative lifetimes, like other experiences on Earth and and also, I believe in other off planet experiences as well, where we have different divine lineages where maybe we've been initiates with ISIS or we've developed even if we look at this in terms of archetypal Lee, or aspects of the Divine, where we've done a lot of developing of a skill set like writing or a skill set, like music, and then the goddess path, or for example, as the goddess of music and dance. So those those creative endeavors and our lifetime studies and accomplishments, and be related to our mission, our purpose or a theme, and then also the divine lineage. So I know for me, I've had a lot of experience with Egypt and, and really kind of set up in this lifetime. I feel like even before I got here for that to happen, so Wow, this slipped on the physical plane for me was when I was nine. I went to horseback riding camp in Georgia. I lived in Florida, and I went to this horseback riding camp loved it was it raising them, became a counselor, all the things and then in my early 20s, the women that had the camp who had been my riding instructors, my mentors in so many ways, introduced me to nature's I grew up in the city, it was going in the country, like so much love and modeling of, of empowerment. And then they started teaching Reiki and then I took my Reiki classes there and I went to herb school there and, and then there was a woman Nicky Sculley, who works with Egyptian pantheon and one of the women I went to camp with was a part of this lineage of Thoth and so I took a workshop with Nicky that actually was with Sekhmet, the lioness goddess, that was my first reintroduction to the Egyptian pantheon. And her system alchemical healing, worked with the with Thoth, the god of infinite wisdom. And, and so that was a part of it. And that's also why I love activations and we don't activate the codes and The Magdalene cards but we in the Magdalene codes of love program we activate because these activations these transmissions, the Reiki attunements, you know, learning these different healing systems, and then ultimately bringing in unique bodies of work through those partnerships with with for me, Tov, and then having my own Ascended Mastery lineage where I also transmit that for those that that work closely with us. Just kind of par for the course. So, you know, to me, it's like, what, what's in our daily lives? What it's who do we meet what feels like a yes. And it was just like a series of yeses and yeses and yeses. And I know even back in the day before all that and guides, that original mission of of heart wisdom was there for me. And then I and then it's been expressed, and in so many different ways. And in lifetimes, like I just have an affinity for higher wisdom. So, you know, for everyone tuning in, maybe it's music, maybe it's being a mom, maybe it's the work with, with food and nutrition, or movement, like we all have that. And we look at that archetypal leaves, in terms of gods and goddesses or divine states of being whether it's compassion, there can be that thread that can also let us know, an affinity to a certain divine.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, to me, it sounds like you're following your heart and the spiritual breadcrumbs, if you will, you're picking up the spiritual Berg breadcrumbs as you traverse through life. And it's led you to that partnership. That's really interesting. And I am, I am going to actually put the request out to the universe to and to my spirit guides that I speak with that I am directed to find my partnership, because I really want to, I want to a partnership with a specific like being you know, and I have I have my guardian angels that I talk to on a daily basis. And maybe that's it, maybe that's the one and only and that's great. And I'm excited to explore where if I put it out there with a request to see what spiritual breadcrumbs might land in front of me that I can pick up and follow. So very cool. You said you started this session with picking or before we got on a call you you picked a card. I was wondering if you would be willing to draw another card to close out this session. Something that I guess with the intent of what we feel our listeners would really benefit from hearing right now.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yes, absolutely. Yeah, well, I'm the spiritual breadcrumb, of course here is that the Magdalene have come in your field and for those that choose to get the card deck, we do have a manifestation toolkit in there, which includes a meet the Madeline's guided meditation to really forge that or deepen and even direct more direct connection with the mag villains. Yeah, so what message do the bangles have here

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

so the magic of love also a key card so masculine card that's a second masculine card or active state miraculous results. Love heals all separation, regenerate wholeness in your heart, and magically midwife optimal outcomes. magic of love miraculous results. The key is Love heals all separation, regenerate wholeness in your heart and magically midwife For optimal outcomes, I love this one. It seems like it's so like in movement and that spiral and I especially connected to this one when my beloved freedmen I were hiking the Camino, every day where it was just like, it seemed like a miraculous result to hike 25 kilometers, you know, days, day in and day out, and this kind of movement and the magic of love. Yeah, but when we talk about love, separation, also the trauma underneath been overthinking, overdoing over responsibility. Yeah.

Anita Adams:

It's beautiful. Thank you. It's a beautiful message to end on. Now, if our listeners wanted to order a deck, and I certainly do, please tell us how we can we can do that. And of course, we'll include the information in the show notes, but tell us where we can connect and get your your cards and connect with you.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Yes, so you can go to Danielle hoffman.com forward slash cards, then you'll hoffman.com forward slash cards. And then from there, you can purchase the book where where books are sold on Amazon, or depending on what country you're in, or Barnes and Noble or my publisher inner traditions. And then come back to that page and enter your order number in into the into the form there to receive the manifesting toolkit. And the manifesting toolkit includes this meet the Madeline's audio guided meditation, it includes a reference sheet of all the codes and the affirmations that are associated with the code. So I love that the deck is like open architecture, you can just pull one and then sometimes it's really nice to just see the whole system like it's on three pages, but all together to see the feminine and the masculine together with the affirmation. And then it also includes a yummy money workshop. Because that's one of the the resource codes, yummy money, divine relationships, supplying time and, and radiant energy. And so then, for folks like while you're waiting for your car deck, you can already dive into the manifestation toolkit. And that's a great way to find me, Daniel hoffman.com, we do also offer just the first code of love if someone wants to activate and get a little bit go a little bit deeper the birthright of love code to see what that journey can be like, because some are called to get the deck some are called to work more in depth with us in in the, the program the Magdalene codes of love and eigenem law, because that's a way to connect and

Anita Adams:

yeah, you're full. That's wonderful. Thank you so much. I I personally got a lot of value out of this conversation and I value your time and the work that you're doing and, and delighted to get to know you a little bit through this this interview. As I said, I've been following you for about a year now. So it's it's kind of got a bit of a fan with me. So very exciting,

Danielle Rama Hoffman:


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About the Podcast

Joyful Journey
If you are a leader, be it a leader of self or a leader of many, who strives to be a force for good in the world, or if you are someone who is simply uncertain about what you really want and why it matters, then this podcast is for you!
The Joyful Journey Podcast is about finding clarity about who we choose to be and the life we want to live. It’s about tapping into our inner wisdom and accessing our highest selves so we make choices that are aligned with who we are and what matters most to us. By accessing our highest selves we also make choices that are best for our families, our communities and the organizations we represent.
Perhaps most important of all, by learning to tap into inner wisdom and access our highest self, we raise our vibration, unleash a great joy and heighten the collective consciousness.
That, my friends, is world changing and it all starts with you and me!
Welcome to the Joyful Journey Podcast.

About your host

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Anita Adams