Episode 133

Published on:

12th Jun 2024

Discovering Magic in Everyday Life: A Conversation with Atousa Raissyan

In this episode, we welcome Atousa Raissyan, a transformational healer, spiritual guide, shaman, and bestselling author. Join us as we dive into the enchanting world of magic and explore practical ways to infuse it into our everyday lives. Atousa shares insightful strategies to amplify the "wow effect," helping you find the extraordinary in the ordinary and enhance your life with a touch of magic.

About our Guest: 

Atousa Raissyan is recognized as a Shaman, Transformational Heart-Centered Healer, Spiritual Guide and Motivational Speaker. She is also a bestselling author, poet and digital artist. Her passion is to help people light up by guiding them to release their traumas and reprogram their fear-based living to a more heart-centered peaceful life. Atousa’s extensive experience comes from years of transforming the life of her clients to tap in their truth, heart and experience their desired life, and in turn change the lives of those around them. Because of this transformational experience her clients refer to her as “Guiding Light,” “Life Changing,” “Best Teacher And Mentor,” “Game Changer,” “Intuitive Gifted Healer,” “Magic.” She has been featured in USA Today, Potomac Lifestyle Magazine, Entrepreneur Herald. She has been a guest speaker at numerous podcasts, summits and workshops 

Connect with Atousa Raissyan:

Website: www.atousaraissyan.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/atousaraissyan

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulystic

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atousar

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/@AtousaRaissyan

About your host:

I’m Anita Adams, your host, and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to guiding individuals toward their authentic selves for a life of purpose, passion, and joy. Alongside hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer transformative retreats, workshops, and coaching programs to unlock inner wisdom. Connect with me via email and explore our community on our website, Facebook Group, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Your support means the world to us! Join our community of Joy Makers, share with friends, and leave us feedback. Subscribe for updates and consider leaving a review to help others discover us. Thank you!

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Anita Adams:

Hey joyful journey are Anita Adams here your host and today I'm pleased to introduce you to Atousa Raissyan a remarkable individual whose multifaceted expertise spans the realms of shamanism, transformational healing and spiritual guidance. A to says not only a recognized shamon, but also a motivational speaker, best selling author, poet and digital artist, with a deep rooted passion for illuminating the path of others, Atousa dedicates herself to helping individuals liberate themselves from traumas, and transcend fear based living. Her mission is to guide people towards a more heart centered and peaceful existence, empowering them to unlock their inner truths and manifest their desired realities. Through years of profound transformation work Atousa has earned the admiration of her clients who affectionately refer to her as the guiding light, a life changer and a game changer. Her intuitive gifts, an unwavering commitment to facilitating growth have left an indelible mark on countless lives. Today, we are here to talk about one of our shared favorite topics, discovering magic. Welcome to Atousa. I'm so pleased to have you here.

Atousa Raissyan:

Thank you, Anita. It's great to be here. And I thank you for this opportunity.

Anita Adams:

Awesome. So why don't we jump in and start with how you define magic?

Atousa Raissyan:

Magic? Yes, who doesn't love that word? I mean, like, can you say magic without even smiling? Like, it's just like, brings the giggle of that. And that's what it is to me. I always find it funny that people spell it like with CK or C to the for say it's a different, but it really is all the same. Because even the abracadabra magic you know, as a kid when you do the abracadabra you're watching a magician you're like, wow, that excitement How did he do it? And even some adults you know, when you watch magic is still like, Wow, I wonder how they do it. So it's that wow effect that is around us if we open ourselves to it. And that joy and that sparkle we get in our hearts and in our eyes is something comes in we're like, brings that wonder and excitement in you. And it doesn't have to be something big or small. As long as it's that feeling that you get? I think that's how I define magic and it's always around us. Yeah,

Anita Adams:

I love that. I often talk about putting gotta put on our wonder goggles, you know, look at the world from this place of childlike wonder, right?

Atousa Raissyan:

Oh, yeah, that's beautiful. I like that. I want to use that anytime I love.

Anita Adams:

Put on your wonder goggles.

Atousa Raissyan:

I love that. I can just see it. Right.

Anita Adams:

So how do we discover magic? I guess that's part of that putting on the Wonder goggles. But what what other thoughts do you have about? How do you discover magic?

Atousa Raissyan:

I think once you start loving yourself, you know that unconditional love for yourself and for your being for your existence allows you to love life and everything in it and start you know, that's I think you need that step before you're capable of putting that one there goggle that you're talking about. And from that, then it's easier to sort of open up and pause in the world and allow those special moments those wonder moments in your life.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, I agree with you. There's an there's so much the power of self love. I think we under value it you know, we don't put the time and energy into learning how to love ourselves deeply. And yet this is this is such a beautiful benefit when we when we can really love ourselves and in a deep way we see the world in a different way, don't we? And it's like lifting the veil. And that's where we see the magic.

Atousa Raissyan:

Exactly, exactly. You gotta love yourself. Because if you don't, how will you even know how to love anything else?

Anita Adams:

Yeah, yeah, it's so true. I spend a lot of time with my clients working on develop Doing their their self love, I imagine is that the kind of work that you do as well? Is it about learning to, to deepen that love of self? Totally,

Atousa Raissyan:

totally. Because what I find, the main part of releasing the past traumas that I work with clients is that because whatever has happened to them, whatever experiences they've had, they start to put not there. I mean, I've been there, we've all been there, you put those barriers around you and those sort of protective layers around you, that stops you from letting the outside and then you go into protect mode. And when you're in that protect mode, you're sort of blocking love sending out love and receiving love unconditionally. Because how can you show like you have these walls and maze I call it, you know, how is first of all it first of all, love going to travel this maze to get to you, and how is that love from you going to get outside if it has to go through all these barriers. So that's the main part of the work I do is to help them heal and release those past traumas. And once we start to let go of those layers, then it's easier to work with them on self love and how to love themselves, let the judgments go, let the fears go, and be able to accept and acknowledge who they really are all the parts of them.

Anita Adams:

Okay, so you start at the looking at the trauma first before we can really dive into deepening love for self?

Atousa Raissyan:

I do because when I start working with them on self love from the beginning, and you know, one of the mantras I love to use is that I'm safe. I'm loved and unloved always gets your unloved who loves me, what do you mean, I'm love, you know, my parents didn't love me or so and so doesn't love me or I don't feel love when I look in the mirror, I don't love myself. So when I let those past traumas, like unraveled those a little bit, then it's easier for them to like, yeah, love, you know, there is love around me and they start to recognize that love, so it's easier to open up. Right? Okay,

Anita Adams:

that's, that's really I find that really interesting. And it makes total sense hearing that explained that way. And so you in order to get to the magic is what I'm hearing what in order to get to the magic. Working backwards, you have to have a lot of self love. And in order to have a lot of self love, you have to unblock the traumas you have to identify identify the traumas. Is that that kind of work that could that could take years to get to or you're nodding your head can nodding

Atousa Raissyan:

my head is like no, it doesn't take years, it just takes a little bit. Not all of it has to be like all the traumas have to be gone, or all the Self Love has to be there. It's more of a little opening here and little opening here. And then you're more capable of seeing the magic because then like if I tell you right off the bat, and you're in a place that you really feel bad about life feel bad about yourself, and I say, hey, why don't you look outside the trees and the birds and the flowers and they're all singing and it's so magical. Look at the colors. Oh my god, there's like a rainbow in the sky. If you look at it, you're like, Excuse me What the, you know, are you talking about right now I'm worried about this, this this. You talked about the birds and the magic and the colors, you know, so they're not even open to it. Right? But once I start unraveling a little bit here, little bit here, then it's easier for them to start seeing the magic and then the more you work on the past releasing the traumas, the more you add to that self love, then the more magic so it's all like comes together. Right? It

Anita Adams:

happens simultaneously. Yeah, yes. Is there anything we can do to start seeing and experiencing the magic right now? Even if we may be in a dark place?

Atousa Raissyan:

I always say put a pause in your day. Put a pause in your day in everything you do meaning that love and gratitude for the outside stuff not the big stuff because you know that one I think everybody when you say well are you grateful like well yeah, I'm grateful I have my health are grateful I have my house. Not that kind love and gratitude but love and gratitude in the moments itself. Meaning you're in the shower. You know, oh my god, I love this hot water. My body was so tired and so happy I have this great warm water. Clean water on my body right now. So grateful. You are drinking your coffee in the morning. Oh my god, I love my coffee. I'm so grateful for my coffee. Without this coffee. I can open my eyes. You went outside, the sun just hits you right on the skin and you feel that warmth. Do you know on like a cold day? Oh my god, I love the sun. Thank you. Thank you for this sunny day. And from there like you're eating, you're driving, you know, somebody, you're driving and somebody says, Hey, you go in front of me. And it's like, Oh, my God, I love you. Thank you. But you got to put that pause in order to see it, feel it and bring love and gratitude to it. Right. Okay.

Anita Adams:

I love that. So, practicing gratitude is a key to opening the door to experiencing more magic. That's what I'm hearing. Yes,

Atousa Raissyan:

yes. Awesome. Yes, definitely. Because, you know, if you don't have gratitude for your life, love and gratitude sort of go hand in hand, you can say love. Because as soon as you bring that love in your heart kind of just says thank you naturally is just like, thank you so good.

Anita Adams:

Are there places you can go or things you can physically do that can help you experience and feel the connection to magic in your life?

Atousa Raissyan:

Oh, yeah, nature. Yes. Nature. Number one, source

Anita Adams:

number one is more what's

Atousa Raissyan:

if you even in your backyard, if you can get in your backyard, and not even go for a walk, spend like 510 minutes in the backyard. First ground yourself, take your socks off shoes off everything, put the feet in the ground. And just that feeling that you will naturally get from your feet to sort of like feels like, Yes, I'm home and spend 510 minutes just even if you don't want to open your eyes, just listen, you're gonna start hearing you can hear the wind, you can hear the it doesn't even have to be a big one. It's just that even the softest when you hear it, the birds, crickets, whatever is outside, you're gonna start hearing and it's just like you feel like your bodies coming to live. And, you know, if you want to go for a walk or a hike even better, like you are totally get connected. And it's sort of like I always say, don't take your music with you. There's plenty of natural noise out there that you can connect to. And even if you go with a friend, try not to speak the whole way, you know, take pause in nature to actually connect with nature. And I guarantee you are going to feel the magic. Beautiful.

Anita Adams:

You and I speak the same language I feel like I'm on a mission in the world to help people connect with nature. Because it's that's where it to me it's your portal to your highest best self. And

Atousa Raissyan:

exactly and

Anita Adams:

in nature. I've I have personally experienced this and I know many of my clients have as well, that when we invest time with ourself in nature, we deepen the love for self it's, it's impossible not to because you fall in love with your environment. And through that loving experience you it it morphs into a love for for yourself and you start to see the the imperfection of nature is perfect. It's perfect in its imperfection. And then you start to recognize the how perfect you are in your imperfection. Or at least that was my experience in in the time I've spent in nature. And I do find magic all around me when I'm in when I'm in nature. It's such a powerful powerful source to tap into though I'm glad that you share that same same vision that same message with your with your audience.

Atousa Raissyan:

Oh yes. 100% the best mirror the best mirror the best guy the best healing the best everything nature. Yeah.

Anita Adams:

Yeah. Why do you suppose people don't invest enough time in themselves to to get out into nature?

Atousa Raissyan:

Because we make it a task? Ah, yes.

Anita Adams:


Atousa Raissyan:

It's a task. I gotta go do my workout. Yeah. I gotta go do my exercise, I gotta go walk the dog is a task is not for the purpose of, I am just gonna go connect with nature. I'm just gonna go love with nature I'm is just going there for nature not as a task. Yeah. And that's what I find. That's why I tell people when you're out there, don't take your music, don't take your go with friends, but don't spend like having a conversation where you could be having that conversation over coffee in your home, in a restaurant, toggle nature for that purpose, you know, don't get go there to get your steps your myelin go there to slow down and connect with nature.

Anita Adams:

Absolutely. And to bring that back to our conversation about magic. That's when when we are not task focused, when we are just in the moment and present. I believe that's when we experience magic, isn't it? That's when things yes, you allow things to happen. Yes,

Atousa Raissyan:

for sure. I think we've gotten into a society somewhere along the line. People figured multitasking is a great badge of honor to have, I can multitask. And that has become the worst. I think one of traits, whatever you want to call it for our human experience, because by multitasking, you're not actually sort of focused in life and focused on what you're doing in the present moment. Multitasking means like, I don't have to be present in the moment, because you won't be able to if you're multitasking. And that's and you can't slow down. In order to be present in Life for life. And in nature. You got to be able to slow down. Right?

Anita Adams:

Okay, so I'm gonna I want to recap a little bit so to experience you use like the wow effect. So magic is the the well well effect. You got to pause in your day. You can connect with nature will help you take that pause. You've got to slow down, and you got to be present. This is this is how you experience more magic in your life. Am I missing anything?

Atousa Raissyan:

Is there anything else we can? List? No. The love the love and gratitude sparkle?

Anita Adams:

Oh, yes. The love of grand gratitude part sparkle. Right? So practice gratitude is another way to connect and feel the magic that surrounds you.

Atousa Raissyan:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, how do you go out like, I don't know in your area in my area full of squirrels. And they are the most funniest creatures. I really like. Even when I'm driving. I'm like these guys like they sometimes I said they want to commit suicide or jumping. They're like, are they trying to figure out you know, how fast can I run across the road without getting hit? Like they have a race going on with a friend. Let's see who can do this. You know, by the end, they're just enjoying their life. They're out there chasing each other and you know, all the time they're in front of the window. torturing my dog. I swear they can't like they tried to get his attention. And once they have his attention, and he starts barking, it's just like, I feel like those chipmunks in the cartoons. They're like laughing at him. Ah, you can come out. You can get us a fortune. That is magic. If you allow it to be magic.

Anita Adams:

Are you are you telling us that we should be more like squirrels or that we should enjoy? Yeah, arrows that show up?

Atousa Raissyan:

Because the squirrels they're the best teachers were you they're saying don't take life so seriously.

Anita Adams:

I love it. That's a good that's a good reminder. Awesome. So tell me um, how does practicing magic serve to improve our better our lives? Because

Atousa Raissyan:

we allow wonder in our life, and we allow it to be it's not that we're looking for approval or acceptance from the outside because my magic whatever is magic for me doesn't have to be magic for everybody else. For example, I see a lot of hearts or I love taking pictures of sunrays and you know they they call it lens flares. And I always say okay, you can call it lens for player that might be good for your explanation. It doesn't have any Wow. For me it's like oh my god. Wow. Look at all these colors. Look at all these rainbows. Look how they come look at the shades. And to me, that's magic. And it's okay, if it's not for you, you can have your own magic, but just take the time to discover that for yourself. What are the things that help me say, wow, oh my god, I just love this, look at this. And let it be true for you. It doesn't need to be true for anyone else. And don't let people say, you know, at the beginning, sometimes I know when I was like posting my hearts everybody's like, well, that doesn't look like a heart that looks like a chicken or dead looks like this and unlike it can look that way to you. I see a heart and it's okay.

Anita Adams:

I think that's you've hit on something really important is defining magic for yourself. Like what does magic look like to me? And getting clear on on that and then looking for it. Like I love synchronicities when, you know, I don't believe that there's anything that there's no such thing as coincidences. And so when a so called coincidence happens to me, that's magic. And I love it. Like it just it lights me up. And I think wow, you know, yeah, it's the wow effect. You know, so Well, yeah. What is magic to you? Yeah,

Atousa Raissyan:

what is that? Wow, fair to you the synchronicities the numbers, you know, that you see? Signs, their signs and messages everywhere. Those are, you know, let it be magic when you see it when you get it, you know, I see 11 1111 Anything with 11 all the time, everywhere, constantly. That's my magic. I mean, you know, maybe you see force, that's your magic, right? But let it be whatever gives you that good feeling inside, that you're connected to the outside world and the outside world is telling you, hey, I'm here. I love you. You're supported.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, one of the things that I find extremely magical is when I spot a hummingbird, there's such magical creatures in themselves. And every time I see a hummingbird, I feel like it's a message to me from the Divine, you know, somehow and, and I shared that with a few close people. And now when they you know, my daughter, for instance, whenever she sees a hummingbird she says she always thinks of me and it puts a smile on her face. And it feels magical to her you know, and it's, it's, it's beautiful. It's a beautiful little connection point that I have again, tint to nature. And it just it's that wow effect.

Atousa Raissyan:

That's amazing. I mean, like seriously hummingbird, who cannot say hummingbird is not magical. I just go berserk every time I see Oh, my God. Yeah, I go crazy. When I see them to

Anita Adams:

show, I want to help people find you, particularly people that are wanting to find more magic in their life, they might have some trauma or fear that they're trying to overcome so that they can experience more of the magic that this world has. How can somebody connect with you? What's the best way?

Atousa Raissyan:

My website is the best way it has all my information has my social media links, phone number, email, everything, which is my first name last name.com or two surveys on.com. And if you want to go on my social media, that's another way to DM me. But yeah, all my contact informations out there, just do a search and you'll get it and reach out even if you want to just say hey, listen to this show. I love that. I love to hear from you.

Anita Adams:

Awesome. Yeah. And you have a YouTube channel as well. Correct?

Atousa Raissyan:

I do. I'm not I'm not consistent. It's only when things come up. For me. I'm like, Oh, let me go record this. And I put it out there. So it's not a very program the YouTube channel but yeah, I post stuff up there once in a while.

Anita Adams:

And I've seen some really great messages that you've shared on your on your channel. So you know, they're short, concise, little words and of wisdom that you share with your audience. So I would I would recommend to check that out as well. So well, I choose to thank you so much for sharing with us your thoughts about magic how to connect with magic how to tap into the magic within and experience more magic in our lives. I love the well factor and in defining magic for yourself. I think that's key. So, again, thank you for being here with us today. And joyful journeyer I hope you enjoyed our show. I hope you experience more magic in your life. Take some of the tips that Tusa share with us to create that and we will catch you next It's time bye for now

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Joyful Journey
If you are a leader, be it a leader of self or a leader of many, who strives to be a force for good in the world, or if you are someone who is simply uncertain about what you really want and why it matters, then this podcast is for you!
The Joyful Journey Podcast is about finding clarity about who we choose to be and the life we want to live. It’s about tapping into our inner wisdom and accessing our highest selves so we make choices that are aligned with who we are and what matters most to us. By accessing our highest selves we also make choices that are best for our families, our communities and the organizations we represent.
Perhaps most important of all, by learning to tap into inner wisdom and access our highest self, we raise our vibration, unleash a great joy and heighten the collective consciousness.
That, my friends, is world changing and it all starts with you and me!
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Anita Adams