Episode 116

Published on:

14th Feb 2024

3 Techniques to Unshakeable Confidence

In today’s episode, we talk about the keys to unlocking your confidence so you can step into inspired action and boldly move toward your dreams. I share three empowering techniques and one mindset shift that will help you cultivate the confidence you need so you can create the life you most desire.


About your host:

I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic self so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest self.


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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If you're uncertain about what you really want or unsure how to be a force for good, you know this world craves, then this is the show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner wisdom, access our highest self and unleash joy. As we raise our vibration, we heightened the collective consciousness and that my friends, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. Hey, joyful journey are needed Adams here your host and today I want to share with you three techniques and one mindset shift that will help you boost your confidence so you can step into inspired action and move closer to your goals and dreams. Before we dive into the confidence building techniques, you must understand that clarity comes first, clarity about what you want is essential for being able to move towards your goal with confidence. If you know what you really want, and why it's important to you, you won't be so easily derailed or influenced by the opinions and actions of others. And the bigger your goal or vision, the louder others will be with their opinions. How you find clarity is another topic entirely. And if you need some help with that reach out, guiding people to find clarity be it clarity of purpose or clarity of next steps to take and the confidence to take those steps. That's what I do best to reach out. Alright, now let's assume you are crystal clear about what it is you really want. Now it's time to amp up the competence so you can boldly move forward with your vision. Start by identifying what you need to learn to make your goal a reality and then dive into learning that skill and acquiring knowledge. A bit of knowledge goes a long way to boost one's confidence. The one potential trap here, however, is telling yourself that you need to know everything before moving forward. If you find yourself thinking or saying I'm not ready to take the next step, then let that serve as a warning bell. The truth is, there's no such thing as being ready. And if you wait until you you feel ready, you will never reach your goal or achieve your dreams. So gather the knowledge you need to start and then take the next step, even if you feel nowhere close to being ready to do so. And what is the next step? Well, that depends on what you are trying to do, of course, and truthfully, it really doesn't matter. The key is to simply take action. What I recommend doing is to write down all the things you think you need to do to move forward with your goal. No particular order needed. Just write a list of everything that comes to mind that will get you closer to your goal. Then review the list and circle one thing you can do right now. For instance, when I had the goal of becoming a retreat leader, after I did my initial research to build some knowledge and to determine if this was a viable path for me to go down, I drafted a list of things that needed to be done to move this vision forward. Some things on that list included, like getting a business license, getting an insurance quote, creating an event agenda, writing an event description on my website, drafting a special email to invite guests and secure some catering quotes. Then I identified the one thing that I wanted to work on next and dedicated my attention to that one thing until it was done. And the first thing I chose to work on was creating content for my website that took weeks to do and with each passing day, I felt a wee bit more confident about the direction I was moving in. Confidence is something that grows over time, but it only grows when you are taking action. So step into action today with your goal by identifying what needs to be done, and then simply focus on one thing at a time. By being in action, you are actively making the unfamiliar, familiar, and when the unfamiliar becomes familiar, you become more confident in doing that thing in your ego or that inner critic that is trying to keep you safe gets quieter. It gets quieter because the ego likes the familiar. So make the unfamiliar familiar by being inaction. Now, here's the first technique I want to share with you that will help you move forward with your goals while boosting your competence. It's called the 30 and 30 technique. This is a 30 day challenge, where you devote 30 minutes of your time every day for 30 days working on one thing that will move you forward with your goal. It doesn't have to be the same thing every day either. The point is to block out time and commit to that 30 minutes working on something that will move you forward. This is an incredibly powerful technique that will not only get you closer to your goal, it will significantly significantly amp up your confidence. Action begets confidence. The second technique for boosting confidence is to develop and maintain a daily spiritual practice of connecting with your higher self. By investing time in nature. Nature, as I have shared countless times is your sacred portal to your highest self. And time with yourself in nature will not only ground you and get you out of this monkey mind, it will help you see new possibilities, find creative solutions to problems and get you tapped into an inner confidence that will further guide you into action. This awareness about the importance of a daily spiritual practice was driven home just a few months ago, when I stopped being consistent with my practice, in order to make more time to help my family with something they were going through. An interesting thing happened, self doubt about the work I'm doing began to creep in. And it became harder for me to find the inspiration and the confidence to continue to move forward with my goals. When I recognize what had shifted in me though, and why I got back into my daily spiritual practice. And within a short few days, that confidence and belief in self was back. I cannot express enough the importance of making this commitment to yourself and the positive impact it will have on your mental well being and in your self belief and confidence. Perhaps take another 30 day challenge and commit to get outside into nature every day for 30 days for a minimum of 20 minutes and experience for yourself how this simple action will positively impact your life. All right, the third technique I want to share with you that boosts confidence is journaling. But journaling in a very specific way. Write about the future version of yourself, but do so in present tense, using I am statements. Picture the person you want to be in the Life You Want To Live Describe that person that and that life in as many details as possible. The way you look and feel how you interact, interact or behave with others who you are with. What is your environment like? Are you in a house outside? What what kind of environment? Are you around? What accomplishments are you celebrating? Get specific and do this writing in present tense, as if you are that accomplished person living that life today? What happens when you do this consistently is that you begin to see opportunities to step into the beingness of that person and the life you've described. And you start to feel that this life you've described is possible. And when something feels possible, a confidence begins to blossom. And that's why I call this journaling exercise the possibility pages.

Anita Adams:

The final tip I have for you about how to boost your confidence is more of a mindset shift than a technique. And it's to recognize that there are no mistakes. There are only learning opportunities. If you can adopt the belief that you cannot go wrong, that every step you take as part of your journey to your best and highest self. Then you can get curious about the lessons along the way. With this attitude you don't, you don't see failure, you see opportunities to learn and grow. Get curious, every step of the way. And ask yourself, what is mine to learn from this experience? Approach your task of moving towards your goal as an education. You've heard the saying, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. This couldn't be more true as we strive to bring our hopes and dreams into reality. Life is all about learning. Be the student and recognize there is no wrong choice, just just different choices that lead to different learning opportunities. This mind set shift plays an important role in boosting your competence. If you are less worried about getting it wrong, you are more likely to step into action. And as we've already covered, action begets confidence. So joyful dernier of the three confidence boosting techniques I shared Which one will you practice? Are you going to do the 30 and 30 challenge and take one small action every single day? Maybe that action is simply to learn something new that will get you closer to your goal? Or are you going to focus on developing your spiritual practice by getting out into nature everyday to connect with your highest self, or pat perhaps Schultz, you'll start journaling and do the possibility pages whatever technique you try, remember, this is a journey. And when you are in action, taking steps towards a clearly defined goal. You cannot go on a wrong path. all paths lead you precisely to where you are meant to be. And along the journey. Put on your wonder goggles. Get curious and ask what is mine to learn and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I'm excited for you joyful journeyer you have so much potential. The only thing that may be getting in your way is your your belief in yourself, and that my friend can be changed. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it or leave a review. And if you are looking to go deeper into this confidence building action taking kind of work, then check out my website at joyful inspired living.com. Thanks for tuning in. And we'll catch you next time. Thank you for joining me on the joyful journey podcast. If anything resonated for you from today's show, or if you are looking for more clarity in your life, clarity of purpose, or how to activate that purpose, then head over to joyful journey.ca and become a member of our community. We'll start by sending you a free download of our three guiding principles to inner wisdom, which will give you a great foundation for finding the clarity you're seeking. And you'll become part of a growing community of people who are raising the collective consciousness. So head over to joyful journey.ca And I look forward to connecting with you directly

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About the Podcast

Joyful Journey
If you are a leader, be it a leader of self or a leader of many, who strives to be a force for good in the world, or if you are someone who is simply uncertain about what you really want and why it matters, then this podcast is for you!
The Joyful Journey Podcast is about finding clarity about who we choose to be and the life we want to live. It’s about tapping into our inner wisdom and accessing our highest selves so we make choices that are aligned with who we are and what matters most to us. By accessing our highest selves we also make choices that are best for our families, our communities and the organizations we represent.
Perhaps most important of all, by learning to tap into inner wisdom and access our highest self, we raise our vibration, unleash a great joy and heighten the collective consciousness.
That, my friends, is world changing and it all starts with you and me!
Welcome to the Joyful Journey Podcast.

About your host

Profile picture for Anita Adams

Anita Adams